The band (Montana) had a great night the other week at The Ghillie Dhu pub in Edinburgh - this place is real posh for us as we are used to Whistle Binkies which is much more of a spit and sawdust place, dont get me wrong! Binkies is my fave place to play as the sound system is excellent and the crowd love you to play songs that are more of the b-side variety rather than your normal hit parade stuff, but! - The Ghillie Dhu seems to love what we do (well the punters do!) so, we played on the 8th Jan which seemingly is the Scottish publicans worst weekend - it was PACKED! and they danced all night! surely there is no better compliment for any musician than a punters' inability to resist to your vibes!

How lucky am i?! first guitar cost my dad 25 quid and it took me 25 years to get to this (Worth every bleeding finger!), take it from me! the Deluxe surely is DELUXE! - it cost more than my car at the time and i polish it more than any car i ever owned but then again, i could hang it on my wall and call it art (I'd like you see you do that with a Peugeot 106!) - the secret to a Gibson i think is that it is programmed to do stuff that you thought you could not do so i will forgoe the ego and give the credit for any fancy playing to my guitar and not my fingers or technique!! Mind you, a warning to all kids who are about to be seduced by the mysteries of the electric guitar, my cheaper SG sounds every bit as good as my lovely Deluxe, so go for what sounds good and not what looks fantastic.